This dataset contains points of information describing the location and size of illegal oil discharges observed during aerial surveillance flights by HELCOM Contracting Parties during 1998-2015. Further information about illegal discharges of oil in the Baltic Sea area and HELCOM aerial surveillance activities can be found at dataset contains the following information:CountryYearSpill_ID = Spill IDFlightType = The type of flight the detection was made during: National = 'N', CEPCO = 'C', Super CEPCO = 'S'Date = The date of the detection ( = The time of the detection (hh:mm)Wind_speed = The wind speed at the time of the detection (m/s)Wind_direc = The wind direction at the time of the detection (degrees)Latitude = The latitude of the detection (decimal degrees, WGS84)Longitude = The longitude of the detection (decimal degrees, WGS84)Length__km = The length of the detection (km)Width__km = The width of the detection (km)Area__km2_ = The area of the detection (km2)Spill_cat = The category of the detection: OILEstimVol_m = Estimated volume of the detection (m3)Polluter = Polluter (rig, ship, other, unknown)Category = Category of the detection: 100m3 = '5'Casefile = The name of the casefile the detection refers toRemarks = Any additional information
Operational oil spills from ships 2018 data